Wings Mission and Vision

Mission: To serve God by coming alongside young women as they grow into their potential; socially, spiritually and individually. Encouraging young women to focus their life's as they step into God's purpose.

Vision: Supporting young women as they find their WINGS to fly.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Real Rest

I have a love/hate relationship with our drive-thru mentality culture. The idea that everything can be done or should be gotten fast devalues many important things. Now I do admit to taking advantage of time-saving methods and love efficiency, but faster is definitely not synonymous with better. In resistance, I have tried to buck this powerful current which runs just under the surface of American life and found myself at odds with a system much bigger than me.

Sleep deprivation and stress levels are a major source of medical issues, yet people with work-alcoholic tendencies are often praised because they get so much done. Scheduling a block of time to do nothing is pretty much a sin in our culture. When we want to check-out we stick in a movie, get on facebook or surf the internet. Though we all need down time, we seldom give ourselves permission to really rest.

Women are the worst at this! If I work hard enough, better myself intellectually, and sacrifice for a time, surely I'll get where I want to be. If I have my kids in every sport, club and function maybe that will prove I'm a good Mom. If I go to church 3 times a week and am involved in every ministry does that mean I'm a good Christian? If I recycle, conserve gas and participate in disaster relief surely I am a responsible human being.  What keeps us on this mouse wheel? Who said we have to continue living like this? When is enough really enough to reward ourselves with a little rest?

God set a presidence for rest knowing we'd need it. The best rest is when we are at peace inside. Maybe that's the real problem...

If inner peace could be sold the manufacturer would be an over night trillionaire! Yet, God offers it to all who open their lives to Him. In Matthew 11:28 Jesus says, "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest." The Message.

What does it look like to "get away with Jesus?" We all get 24 hours each day and make the choices as to how we spend that time. We may feel these choices are out of our control at times, but in reality we are the only ones who can make those choices. Making time in our day for Jesus is a constant challenge, yet is vital to our ability to really rest. Whether through an internet devotional, reading the Bible, listening to worship music, talking with a friend who encourages us spiritually or getting away to just talk with Him (praying) you'll sense a rest like no other. Those moments are multiplied back to you over and over and worth the effort of finding them.