That word can do a lot of damage in us. With it we compare ourselves unfairly to others leaving us feeling less than--whatever; less beautiful, less intelligent, less wanted/needed, less lucky. The list goes on and on.
More does have a good side. It is the desire for more that gives us the strength to push through difficult situations to a resolution; in a broken relationship or a health issue or even just to finish a project.
What does it look like to want more of God? We turn to church or Christian TV and can be disappointed. We turn to a friend we believe to be more spiritual than we are. We turn to the Bible or a devotional book or Christian music and all these things are good, but it's when we turn to Jesus with our heart wide open that the desire for more will be met. He is the missing link because of what He did on the cross. Understanding, even believing He died for the sins of the whole world is too general its when that becomes a personal reality and we take responsibility for our sins which led to His death that change will occur. The most amazing realization is that He did it out of love for us! He saw us struggling under the weight of sin knowing we could never do enough to lift that. This is the greatest love-story rescue of all times!
Those who desire more of God are promised to get what they're searching for (Matt. 5: 6) Those who look for Him are told they will find Him. (Matt. 7:7)
Wait! There must be more!! Surely, there's something I have to do, changes I should make first, this can't be that easy... where's the catch? At the beginning, God created all kinds of systems that sustain life as we know it; gravity, physics, atmospheric/oceanic cycles, seasons, migration/instinct patterns.
But when it came to humans He decided to give us a will--the right to choose. I have wondered if He ever regretted that. In creating us with the ability to choose He also took the chance on being rejected by us. With all His power He will not force us to choose Him, He does not manipulate us or corers us into submission He waits, He loves. He did everything He could to reach out to us Jesus life and death showed this. The only thing that stands in the way of us connecting with more of Him is our decision to accept His provision personally. This is a conscious choice on our part, but it is only the beginning. We choose to open the door to Him and He invites us on the beautiful journey of getting to know Him.
These are foundational beliefs upon which Wings exists, however they are not mandatory view points for all who attend. We are adults, and as such respect is both extended and excepted. Practical life-issues, social networking and the honest exploration of faith will be encouraged. We are not in this process alone. Self-discovery is valuable, but perspective from others helps us see the bigger picture.